Attract Graduates with Your Office Design

Every business needs to inject fresh talent, and often this talent comes in the form of recent university graduates.

Your business wants the best. And attracting the sharpest young minds to your company actually has a lot to do with your office design.

For example, research has shown that 85% of millennials want to work for organisations with well-designed offices.

Therefore, the way you design and furnish your office is going to have a huge impact on enticing graduates to join your organisation.

Here are some of the crucial elements to consider.


It’s more important than ever to ensure your workers have a user-friendly experience when interacting with technology in the workplace.

Furthermore, for recent graduates, integrated technology will be something they look for when hunting for a job.

Integrated tech includes apps, online forums and social media, linked in to their day to day tasks at work.

These programs may be aiding communication and socialisation between staff members, easy research for projects, or simply be organisational tools.

Moreover, your hardware needs to be top notch – staff have very little patience for IT issues in the modern workplace.

The latest technology, kept in perfect condition, will be sure to help your organisation attract the best graduates.


These days, we’re all far more educated about the strain that working at a desk can have on both your body and mind.

Therefore, your office simply must be designed with ergonomics in mind. That means doing all you can to create a healthy workplace.

For example, by providing comfortable and supportive furniture, enough light and space, as well relaxation spaces, you’ll see healthier and happier staff.

Factor ergonomics into your office design, and you’ll be doing more to attract recent graduates to your organisation.

Natural Elements

Graduates understand the need for natural elements in the office.

When they do apply for a job at a new workplace, chances are these graduates will be looking for an attractive office, with plenty of plants and light.

Moreover, the benefits of natural touches in your office simply cannot be underestimated.

You’ll be promoting good health and mental wellbeing in the workplace with plenty of plants, and an optimum amount of natural light.

Flexible Working

The idea of being completely responsible for deciding when, where and how they work is extremely appealing to younger generations.

Fortunately, with the technology that we now have, they can do exactly that.

There are many benefits to flexible styles of working like agile and activity based working, including increased productivity for your staff, and savings for your business.

Therefore, when designing your workplace, you should consider implementing areas that aid flexible working.

To discuss your office design or fit-out, get in touch with Niche Projects here.