Office Design Tips for Happier Staff

Employee happiness should be a top consideration when designing your office.

Research has shown that happier employees are more creative, more efficient in their work and strive to get the best out of themselves, often going above and beyond.

Therefore, you should do what you can as a business to promote happiness in your office environment.

Below, we’ve taken a look at some ways to promote staff happiness through office design.

Flexible Working

Hot desking, activity based working, agile working… there are a number of different methods and approaches to flexible working.

Adding an element of flexible working to your business can have a profound effect on the happiness of your workers.

By giving staff more autonomy and allowing them to choose where they work and what they work on, you’re guaranteed to improve the mood of your employees.

Natural Approach

Bring nature into your office with ‘biophilic design’.

Biophilia is about humans love for nature and our need to be close to it. For instance, having plenty of plants, natural light and fresh air in your office has a huge effect on your employees.

Not only will it increase your workers’ happiness, it also has great health benefits and reduces instances of minor illness in your work place.


Creative collaboration between individuals and teams boosts the satisfaction of your employees.

Social interaction is so important, so working on something as part of a team is conducive to happier workers, as well as creativity, innovation and productivity.

Increase collaboration through office design by creating spaces for team working, or considering open plan spaces where workers can communicate more easily.


Socialisation at work is a great way to increase the happiness of your people.

Encourage social activities between staff, from the lowliest employee to the highest management. This boosts work connections, as well as job satisfaction and happiness.

Personal Care

Many companies are now adding little touches to their office to increase happiness and improve mental wellbeing.

For instance, in Denmark, they have the ‘hygge’ principle. This essentially revolves around creating a comfortable, safe and homely environment for your staff.

This can be created by allowing employees to decorate their desk, providing blankets, relaxing music and healthy drinks and treats.

Well Maintained Space

Staff who operate in a drab, poorly maintained office report lower levels of happiness.

Therefore, you should always ensure that your office is in the best condition possible. That doesn’t need to include a complete renovation, either.

For instance, just make sure that the floor and wall finishes are in good condition, furniture is in working order and windows are spick and span.


Encourage staff to always contribute to discussions about the company, where appropriate.

When you’re actually designing a new or improved office, get staff input – find out what they like and what they want, and they’ll appreciate being asked to contribute.

If you neglect your staff, it’s likely they’ll grow disillusioned with their role, and the company.


Acoustics in an office environment are important.

Do your best to ensure that the workspace will minimise noise distraction for your workers. Consistent distraction will result in frustration and annoyance.

You can influence the acoustics in your office through floor, wall and ceiling finishes, as well as items like plants or partitions.


The temperature in the office should be comfortable for your employees at all times.

Making a comfortable climate can be difficult, because employees will obviously have different levels of thermal comfort.

However, ensure your temperature is at a consistent level, taking into consideration the seasonal changes in weather.

Utilise central heating and cooling systems in your office, or if you don’t have this sort of hardware, install wall mounted air conditioning units.

If you’d like to get staff input, send out a short temperature survey.

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